The biodegradable intelligent bucket makes it possible to grow trees in combination with vegetables, shrubs and flowers in dry and eroded areas while using 90% less water, at 90% lower costs and achieving a survival rate of 90%.
The plant cocoon is made from recycled paper and can be used one time only to plant a tree in combination with vegetables, shrubs or flowers. When someone plants a sapling in a dry or eroded area, the intelligent bucket is placed around the tree and filled with 18 liters of water. In the lid, small plants (vegetables, shrubs or flowers) can be planted and they will grow hydroponically in the water of the box. Every day, the bucket ‘sweats’ through the bottom and gives a small amount of water to tree. This amount is too little to live from, but it is too much to die. The roots of the tree get triggered and will search for more water/humidity in the soil. After approximately 9 to 12 months, the roots are developed and the tree doesn’t need the help of the cocoon anymore. After 12 to 16 months will the bucket degrade and turn itself into nutrients.
How the plant cocoon works: After planting a tree in a dry or eroded area, the tree needs water to survive. Currently, expensive and water consuming irrigation system are being used. These irrigation systems use a lot of energy and make the roots of the tree lazy. The water is supplied to the tree at the top of the soil, therefore the roots will not grow deep into the soil, but will stay at the top layer. When you stop giving water through these irrigation systems, the tree will die.
According to the UN, 48 countries will suffer from water shortages in 2025. At this moment, around 70% of the scarce fresh water is used for agriculture. With the cocoon, the water usage can be reduced with 90%. Besides this, there can be found around 2 billion hectares of degraded farmland which can be replanted with productive trees (fruit, wood, oil etc.) in combination with vegetables to meet the increasing demand for the growing world population.
The patented plant cocoon is made from recycled paper and allows the planter to plant a tree in combination with 4 vegetables, shrubs or flowers in every climate. While using the plant cocoon, the planter enjoys our unique Triple 90 Benefits. The plant cocoon can be used in every climate and saves the planter a tremendous amount of water and money while +90% of the trees, shrubs, flowers or vegetables survives. Besides this, the cocoon is made from recycled paper and is completely biodegradable. 12 to 18 months after planting, the tree doesn't need the box anymore and the box starts to degrade. All the ingredients are FDA approved, so not harmful for the environment and animals/humans.
Drip irrigation uses around 15 liters of water per day per plant. The cocoon uses around 100 liters of water during the lifetime of the tree. 2 billion hectares of degraded farmland can be made productive again at low costs, increasing o.a. the food production and wealth.
According to the World Food Programme, 795 million people are suffering from hunger. We can with our technology produce food on a large scale in these areas. We can grow fruit trees in combination with vegetables or shrubs. The vegetables will set fruits within one year, while the fruit tree or shrubs will provide food on the long term.
While planting more trees efficiently and at large scale, the CO₂ concentration in the atmosphere will be reduced which is beneficial for the whole planet.
When scaling up the production, Groasis wants to reduce the sales price of the Growboxx® plant cocoon to $1,50. With a low price like this, farmers in developing countries will have a cheap solution to grow productive trees in combination with vegetables successfully. The plant cocoon is available from €2,49.
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