Cow dung planters makes growing saplings eco-friendly by eliminating use of plastic bags and provides manure to roots and eliminates plant shock while transplanting.
Plants from most nurseries sell the little saplings in plastic bags. Once the plants are transferred to mud or cement pots, the plastic bags are discarded. They either end up in landfills or are burnt – causing pollution and harming the environment. Even worse, many of these small bags just fly around and land in green patches where animals graze. The animals end up eating them and consequently die from stomach ailments.
Cow dung pots are made of cow dung that is compressed densely in shape of pots and are sun dried. Unlike plants started in a plastic pot or a plastic bag, the plants that are started in a cow dung pot can be planted directly in the ground without having to disturb their root ball. Once the plant gets bigger, it’s root will have a nice manure package to grow into. The pots withstand water well as long as they are not rained on and are not moved while wet.
Cow dung is used primarily for manure. When we use it to make planters, we don't take away it's primary use but just hack into the existing life-cycle of cow dung to add another use. Plants started in a cow dung planter can be placed directly in the ground without having to disturb the root ball. Cow dung still returns to the earth.
These innovative cow dung planters help reduce the menace of plastic bags causing pollution and sickness in animals.
It generates more income for farmers.
It encourages farmers to not abandon their unproductive cows.
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