This school bag is equipped with solar panels that can charge during the day to transform into LED lamps at night to provide reading light to school children with unreliable sources of electricity.
The Light Bag has solar panels attached on the front flap and LED lights on the reverse. The idea was that these bags could act as school bags during the day and become a study lamp at night—providing the children with their own source of light. The bags get charged when the children walk to school and even while at school, as most of them go to open schools. With a water-proof solar panel and weighing around 620 grams, the durable polyester bag can withstand the wear and tear of daily use, even while being light for the little shoulders.
400 million Indians live without electricity. 130 million children in India miss out on education because they have no access to electricity. The Light Bag aims at reaching out to these children by acting as a simple, sustainable and portable design that enables such children to study after sundown and increase their academic productivity and reduce drop out rates in schools.
The Light Bag replaces kerosene as a light source - with solar powered LEDs in a school bag thereby reducing a significant​ threat to the respiratory health and eyesight of children
The Light Bag enables to tackle the problem of dropout​ rates for underprivileged school going children
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