This solution brings together a team of pets/pet owners, volunteers and mental health professionals who provide therapy through the medium of trained therapy animals.
Animal Angels Foundation has worked in 4 cities (Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Bangalore) with over 50 trained therapy dogs and an outreach to over 10, 000 individuals benefiting from Animal Assisted Therapy. They create a volunteer network of pets, pet-lovers and medical health professionals to assist the disabled and provide a new method for therapy. Additionally, Animal Angels also helps the physically disabled, mentally disabled, etc with everyday activities like reading and physical activity.
Animal Angels is the only organization in India working in the field of Animal Assisted Therapy. They incorporate therapy animals in a therapy session to help patients improve their wellness. Animals being non - judgmental and unconditional, provide love and acceptance to these people. Through human-animal bonds, a lot of changes in the patient’s wellness can be observed. AAT has been implemented in different settings like, hospitals, airports, corporate offices, schools, juvenile delinquent centers etc.
Animal Angels have successfully introduced and implemented this therapy for autistic children, physically disabled people, children with hearing and speech impairment, etc. in 4 metropolitan cities of India.
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